The graduate programmes available in the Department are M.Ed, Ph.D. Each candidate can specialize in any of the following:
- Educational Planning
- Educational Management
- Guidance and Counseling
- Psychology of Education
- Technical Education
Candidate for the degree of M.Ed must register for and pass minimum of 30 (units) including the units allocated to Research Thesis.
Each candidate must carry out a demonstration of university teaching in his area of specialization.
Core Courses Units
EDU 700 Research Methods in Education 3
EDU 701 Educational Statistics and Computer Programming 3
EDU 721 Theories of Education Management 3
EDU722 Human Resources Management 3
EDU723 School Plant Planning and Management 3
EDU 724 Introduction to Educational Planning 3
EDU 727 Legal Aspects of School Operation 3
EDU 799 Research Project 3
Elective Courses for Educational Management
Students opting for Educational Management may select only 2 of the following:
EDU 725 School of Business Administration
EDU 728 School of Finance
EDU 729 Supervision of instruction
Elective Courses for Educational Planning
Students opting for Educational Planning may select any 2 of the following:
EDU 730 Economics of Education 3
EDU 731 Quantitative Methods of Educational Planning 3
EDU 732 Practical in Education Planning 3
Core Courses
EDU 700 Research Methods in Education
The relationship between educational research and scientific method, problem identification and sampling procedure. Historical, descriptive, case study, correlational and experimental research.
EDU 701 Educational Statistics and Computer Programming
Exposure to between language and symbols frequently used in reporting empirical research in education. The course also introduces the students to elementary descriptive and inferential statistics, and selection of appropriate analytical tools for solving educational problems. The use of computer in programming educational fate.
EDU 721 Theories of Educational Management
The development of management science and organizational theory as they are related to the problems of management in education. A detailed study of the application of management principles and theories to the education enterprises.
EDU 722 Human Resource Management
A study of the administration of current principles, practices, techniques and policies used in effective human resources management. The method of recruitment, selection, services development, assignment, salary, provision, welfare, collective bargaining and dismissal.
EDU 723 School Plant Planning and Management
The design of the school plant in terms of educational requirements in addition to the principles and regulations of plant layout, building materials, ventilation, space accommodation and utilization, maintenance and insurance.
EDU 724 Introduction of Educational Planning
Approach to educational planning- social demand; manpower; and rate of return analysis approaches. Strength and weakness of the approaches.
EDU 727 Legal Aspects of School Operation
Laws and the basis of education administration. A critical analysis of the Education Laws of America. Issues and problems in legislation for education
EDU 799 Research Project
An empirical or historical study of some educational problems in planning and administration with a well documented report showing clearly how problem has been defined, studied and concluded.
(Elective Courses)
EDU 725 School of Business Administration
The theory and practice of school business, concentration on the role of the principal school business administrator and representation of the central office in the school. Various areas of school business administration will be covered, particular emphasis will be laid on case method approach to problem solving, budgeting, office management and method of purchasing, inventory method, storage facilities and competency required in simple book- keeping procedure.
EDU 728 School of Finance
National and state budgets in relation to education, government and private financing of primary, secondary and post-secondary education. Principles and procedures in school budgeting and salary scheduling.
Elective Courses
Students opting for educational planning may select any two of the following:
EDU 730 Economic of Education
Economic value of education – education as a factor of economic growth –
manpower aspect of education, measurement of cost and benefits of education
units, cost analysis, size-cost relationship, cost control and factor affecting cost
of education.
EDU 731 Quantitative Methods in Education Planning
Evaluation of techniques used in educational planning. Analysis and appraisal of
statistical data in education, projection, programming and detailed allocation of
EDU 732 Practical in Education Planning
Practical work on PPVS, PERT system analysis, Delhi and model building.
Analysis and grading of jobs in various sections of the educational system.
EDU 700 Research Methods 3
EDU 701 Educational Statistics and Introduction to
Computer Programme 3
EDU 702 Development Psychology 3
EDU 704 Theories of Counselling 3
EDU 705 Introduction to Guidance and Counselling 3
EDU 716 Psychological Testing 3
EDU 717 Techniques of Guidance and Counselling 3
EDU 718 Organisation and Administration of Guidance
Services 3
EDU 720 Counselling Practicum 3
EDU 799 Research Project 6
EDU 700 Research Methods
Problem definition, formulation of hypothesis and proposition. Approach to data collection in survey correlational, quasi-experimental, experimental design and appropriate statistics for each of the steps. Writing a research report.
EDU 701 Educational Statistics and Introduction to Computer Programme
A coverage of basic topics in descriptive and inferential statistics and application in the interpretation of psychological tests in analysis of continuous assessment scores and in educational research. Introduction to the use of computer for educational research.
EDU 702 Development Psychology
A survey of the human development from conception to old age emphasizing physical, intellectual, emotional, social and personality changes which occur during these periods.
EDU 704 Theories of Counselling
A survey of the major theories of counselling e.g. Psychoanalytic, client centred, behavioural, rational emotive and eclectic approaches and their implications for counselling in the Nigeria context.
EDU 705 Introduction to Guidance and Counseling
A survey of the general field of Guidance and Counselling. Historical, philosophical and psychological foundation. The concepts, modes and services of Guidance services in schools and other settings. Guidance personnel.
EDU 716 Psychological Testing
Natural and scope of psychological tests. Review of test construction procedures, principles of test administration, scoring and interpretation. Use of achievement, aptitude, mental ability, interest and personality measures as well as actual practice of these tests in counseling should be provided. Emphasis to be placed on locally available and locally standardized test.
EDU 717 Techniques of Guidance and Counseling
An in-depth study of counseling techniques derived from various theories of counselling. Attending and responding skills. Stages of a typical counselling situation. Ethical considerations in the use of these techniques should be highlighted.
EDU 718 Organisation and Administration of Guidance Services
Principles and techniques of setting up and running of guidance services in various settings. A study of attendant practical problems and possible solutions.
EDU 720 Counseling Practicum
Students are to conduct individual and group counseling sessions in approved settings under supervision. Audio-tapes and other counseling materials used in recording are submitted by students for examination and grading.
EDU 799 Research Project
Selection of viable research topics on various aspects of counseling. Collection of data, analysis of such data and the preparation of bound research reports.
Core Courses Units
EDU 700 Research Methods 3
EDU 701 Educational Statistics and Introduction to Computer
Programming 3
EDU 702 Developmental Psychology 3
EDU 11T Adolescent Psychology 3
EDU 728 Psychology of Learning 3
EDU 716 Psychological Testing 3
EDU 729 Exceptional Children 3
EDU 730 Social and Philosophical Issues in Education 3
EDU 799 Thesis 6
EDU 700 Research Methods
Problem, definition, formulation of hypothesis and proposition, approach to data collection in survey, correlational, quasi-experimental design and appropriate statistics for each of the steps. Writing research report.
EDU 701 Educational Statistics and Introduction Computer Programming
A coverage of topics in descriptive and inferential statistics and application in the interpretation of psychological tests in analysis of continuous assessment scores and in educational research. Introductional research,
EDU 702 Development Psychology
A survey of human development from conception to old age emphasizing physical, intellectual, emotional, social and personality changes which occur during these periods
EDU 727 Adolescent Psychology
The course considers the physiological, social and cognitive change which characterizes the transition from childhood to adult life. The implication of developmental theories for the education of the adolescent will be discussed.
EDU 728 Psychology of Learning
An overview of the principles and theories in the area of learning including up-to-date research findings in the field. Indepth consideration will be given to such topics as learning theories, motivation, retention and forgetting transfer of learning, intelligence and creativity.
EDU 729 Exceptional Children
An overview of the categories of exceptional children, with an indepth consideration of the M.R.LD visual speech impairment and behaviour problem. Physical handicap and multiple handicaps.
EDU 730 Social and Philosophical
An analysis of the social and philosophical factors that shape education in any county particularly in Nigeria, Consideration of competing theories and concepts of Education and their relevance to Nigeria.
(i) Administration
(ii) Curriculum and Instruction in Physical Education
Core courses Units
MPE 701 Research Methods in PHE 3
MPE 702 Statistics in PHE 3
MPE 703 Independent Study in P.E 3
MPE 700 Research Project 6
MPE704 Management in Physical & Health Education 3
MPE 705 Gender Issues in Physical Education, Health and Population Education 3
Each candidate must take three prescribed courses in his or her area of specialization
(9 units) plus the core courses which amount to 30 units.
Administration of Physical Education Units
MPE 706 Administration of P.E and Sports 3
MPE 707 Planning and Management of P.E and Sports 3
MPE 708 Theory and Principles of Conducting 3
Curriculum in Physical Education
MPE 709 Curriculum in Physical Education 3
MPE 710 Teacher Education and Teaching in P.E 3
MPE 711 Curriculum Trends and Research in P.E 3
M.Ed Health Education Units
MHE 701 Research Methods in PHE 3
MHE 702 Statistics Methods in PHE 3
MHE 703 Independent Study in Health Education 3
MHE 700 Research Project hi Health Education 6
MHE 705 Gender Issues in Physical, Health and Population Education 3
3 Course from area of specialization 9
(i) School Health Education
(ii) Population Education
School Health Education Units
MHE 704 Administration of School Health Education 3
MHE 705 Epidemology 3
MHE 706 Community Health Education 3
MHE 707 Drugs and Substance Abuse 3