The Department of physics offers M.Sc and Ph.D Degrees with specialization in the followings areas:-
- Geophysics ‘
- Solid State Physics
A student reregistered for the M.Sc. Degree programme shall pass a minimum of 30 units which shall include the Core Courses, Electives. Special courses and Research Project.
Core code First Semester Units Status
PHY 701 Mathematics Methods of Physic 3 C
PHY 702 Advanced Quantum Machines 1 3 C
Core Code Second Semester Units Status
PHY 703 Advanced Electromagnetic Theory 3 C
PHY 73 8 Seminar – C
PHY 799 Research Thesis 6 C
Geophysics Option Special Courses
Core Code Second Semester Units Status
PHY 721 Physics of the Earth’s Interior 3 C
PHY 7323 General Geology 3 C
Core Code Second Semester Units
PHY 714 Numerical and Computational Methods 3
PHY Geopotential fields 3
First Seminar Units Status
PHY 704 Advanced Statistics Mechanics 3 C
PHY 726 Advanced Solid State Physics 3 C
Second Semester
PHY 711 Mathematics Methods of Physics II 3 C
PHY 733 Advanced Solid State Physics II 3 C
Elective Courses
PHY 712 Advanced Quantum Mechanics II 3
PHY 714 Numerical and computation Methods 3
First Semester Courses
PHY 701 Mathematics Methods of Physics
Functions of complex variable and the properties and consequences of analcity; techniques of analytical continuation applications, calculus of residues . complex integration . Conformations. Systematic methods of obtaining exact solution of O.D.E, in closed forms . Local and global analysis of initial and boundary layer theory, WKS, and to-time scaling methods. Application will include solution of values of Schrodinger type equation, the classical enharmonic oscillator.
PHY 702 Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Review of simple Schrodinge equation solution bound state Dirac delta function scatter problem , phase shift analysis . Born approximation. Time dependent approximation, discrete and continuous representation of the vector space . Heisenbege and Schrodinge picture, equation of motion for density operation, coherent states of the harmonic oscillator ; angular momentum coupling. Clash-Godon coefficient, Wigner-Echart Theorem and selection rules.
PHY 704 Advanced Statistics Mechanics
Elementary probability concept, random walk mane square dispersion probability distribution; Brownian motion; statistics description of a system of particles; statistic ensemble . Interaction between macroscopic system, quasi-static process, statistics thermodynamics. Reversible and irreversible process. Heat reservoir. Application of Canonical distribution; paramagnetic, magnetic moment, magnetic susceptibility; Humbolt free energy, entropy; grand canonical ensemble. The grand partition function Applications of statistics mechanics: partition function , Gibs paradox Maxwell distribution; system with several components and in a single phase.
PHY 721 Physics Of The Earth Interior
The component of the earth. The physics characteristics of earth’s material mechanical, electricity and magnetic properties. Earth’s gravity and the earth’s figure and interior. Further evidence from seismology geothermal state, and geomaguelics. Doedynamics- global picture of the dynamics earth. Plate theory mechanics of earthquakes and the new global technique . Felid and laboratory investigation especially high pressure geophysics.
PHY 722 Rock Physic
Physical characteristic of rocks with relevance to goe-engineering and geo-exploration applications. Mechanical properties of rock – strength deformability, porosity, permeability of sample and in situ rock. Electrical properties of rock — the conduction mechanism in sedimentary crystalline rocks and magmas . Cross coupling ( elelro-mechanical).
PHY 723 General Geology
Geology description of planet Earth. Plant tectonics. Geological classification of minerals and rock . erosion and deposition . Ancient sediments.
Valcanicity- Ancient and modem. Earth. Movement geological time . Life in the past. Geological maps . Mineral deposit and foils fuels . Geology in the service of man.
PHY 724 Applied Geology
A classification of geophysical techniques for investigating the earth’s crust Unified approach to geophysics data acquisition, analysis and interpretation: planning staking, mapping presentation of results analysis and interpretation techniques. Magnetic and goeelectronics. Field and laboratory techniques. (Instrumentation will involve particular geophysical instrument which will be selected every year.
PHY 726 Advanced Solid State Physics I
Crystal structure, their symmerities and determination; lattice vibration normal modes and their quantization, an harmonics effects interaction of phones with electromagnetic-radiation and thermal neutrons mosssbauer effects; electrons in solids Bom-Oppenheimer approximation properties of electrons gas, modification by crystal periodic potential, Block thermo. Band structure, correlation, cohesion, plasmas, optical phenomena in metals and non-metals, dielectrics phenomena. Cooperative phenomena, ferromagnetism, ferroeletricity, order disorder transitions, superconductivity.
PHY 728 Nuclear Structure
Methods of studying the nucleus. Electromagnetic methods neutron scattering methods; atomic effects mass effects, volume effects – meson atom ; average potential energy; nuclear mass formula. Isobars in delay; shall model individual particle model; liquid drop model and “Effective meson model”.
PHY 729 Nuclear Reaction
Types of unclear reactions, reaction dynamics Q-value, elastic scattering reaction non- relativistic case, reaction cross section resonance, compound nucleus, statistical theory of nuclear reaction, option model.
PHY 703 Advanced Electromagnetic
Electrostatics field Cause’s theories Poison and Lapiace’s green’s thermo , Dirichet and Neumann boundary conditions method images; orthogonal function and expression.. Multiple expression, magntostaic, biot and savat law , force between current loops , differential equation of magntostatics. vector potential, magnetic field of a localized current distribution, Faraday’s law of induction, Galilean transformation energy in the magnetic field; Maxwell’s equation Poynthing’s theorem, Maxwell stress tensor; magnetic monopoles, Dirac quantization condition; plane wave in a non-conducting medium; propagation in the ionosphere” reflexivity of metal, waves in a conducting media.
PHY 711 Mathematics Methods of Physics
Thermo of finite groups theory of representation reducible and irreducible representatives theory, of characters; irreducible tensor operation and calculation of group theory to perturbation theory in Quantum Mechanics and molecular vibration sets; space.
PHY 712 Advanced Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), free filed quantization. Time evolution operator, transition rates U (to) application and examples line widths and level shift in QED.
Relativistic wave qua equation, Klein-Gordon equation, Dirac equation, Relativistic covariance, spin: Hydrogen atom, fine structure, conical quantization elementary QED process theory: weak interactions.
PHY 714 Numerical and Computation
(a) Interpretation scheme the Lagragian representative, Aitken algorithm least spare fit.
- Alternative processes.
- solution of linear equation. Gaussian elimination inversion of matrices
- Fourier series and harmonic analysis
- Difference equations.
- Numerical integration and differential equations, step by step methods,
Kutta predictors methods, partial differential equation, simple wave
propagation, forward difference, backward difference, center difference in
time, the implicit scheme, conditions for stability, e.g diffusion equation,
PHY 731 Geopotential Fields
Potential field theory in geophysics; multiple expansion, method of images upward / downward continuation, introduction to Geomathematics. Electrical properties of the earth’s interior. Investigations of the upper mantle and mantle core system; seismology long wavelength E.M and gravity fields and geothermal fields. Phases transiting, equation of state and cross-coupled properties, thermoplastic, thrimo-visc-elastic, magneto elastic; etc.
PHY 733 Advanced Soiled State Physics II
Wave packets in solid, effective mass therorem of an electron in a sound, band shapes in real semi-conductors, impurities in semi – conductors; density of stats, equilibrium carrier concentration. Intrinsic semi- conductors and extrinsic semi-conductors, compensated semi-conductors, drift mobility, current density. Transport properties of semi-conductors in a magnetic field.
PHY 734 Super Fluid Physics
General aspect of super fluidity, quantum liquids; occurrence of superfluity, Liquid He II, the – phase transition, two – fluid model Ginzuring -landau theory; Elementary excitations in He II Hydrodynamical equations, Kinetic Phenomena; Impyrities in He II, Imurities motion of charged impurities in He II, he-He Solution, Hydrodynamic equations, Kinetic Phenomena in He-He; superconductivity in simple metals, transition metals, in dilute. Magnetic alloys; Josehson effect High-To superconductors.
PHY 735 Radiation and Matter.
Planck’s radiation law, Einstein’s coefficients, fluctuation in photon number, time – depredating perturbation theory; line broadening, Doppler broadening, collision broadening, radioactive broadening; Time dependence o a chaotic light beam, laser systems.
PHY 736 Unclear Spectroscopy
Isomerism and energy level study. Mossbauer spectroscopy; practical. applications, interaction of radiation with matter.
PHY 737 Nuclear instrumentation
Desimentry, Absorbed does, dose Equivalent; practical calculations of the dose rate, calculation of flux; Exposure are constant; Approximate formulae for: calculating dose rate; Concept of risk. Annual dose equivalent limit; Radiation detectors, spectrometric electronic units; monitoring equipment; Neutron generator system; counting systems.
PHY 738 Seminar
A student shall be exacted to resent a seminar on a current topic in physics as arrived by the Department at least once in a session. This is difficult from seminars based on the candidate’s research project.
PHY 799 Research Project
Course Features
- Lectures 0
- Quizzes 0
- Duration 50 hours
- Skill level All levels
- Language English
- Students 0
- Certificate No
- Assessments Yes